Monday, September 29, 2014

We had a memorable time on 24th and N yesterday

Mike, Rigo, Victor, Jerek, and Jair, and I continued to work on the background shapes and textures of our latest mural yesterday. 24th street is full of life, especially on the weekend. We even had a troop of singers across the street doing choral music for an hour or more while we painted. Rebecca brought us supplies and continues to refine the drawings for the next step.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Work has begun on the 24th and N mural

With a great team of high school and college boys from the South Omaha area who enjoy working in aerosol paint, and with assistance from the Kent Bellows Studios ( a mentoring youth in the arts program) we got an over-all texture on our mural today. It was great fun. And it was eye opening for me to experience aerosol paint other than airbrush or airless sprayer. It does have a lot to offer an artist!